Practicing What We Pray
Author: Stan Guthrie
April 08, 2021
When it comes to sharing the gospel, many of us pray—a lot. We know
that if God doesn’t open the sinful human heart to the gospel, then it
will remain closed as tightly as a clam. As J.I. Packer has said, “The
prayer of a Christian is not an attempt to force God’s hand, but a
humble acknowledgement of helpless dependence…. what we do every time we
pray is to confess our own impotence and God’s sovereignty.”
Many pastors make praying for the lost a priority. According to the
Billy Graham Center for Evangelism, the Assemblies of God, and 10 other
denominations, a whopping 96 percent of the most evangelistic pastors of
small churches pray weekly for non-believers by name. Even among the
least evangelistic pastors, 90 percent pray for non-Christians by name
every week.
But a somewhat less impressive 87 percent of the most evangelistic
pastors actually evangelize the lost. Among the least evangelistic, the
number is far more concerning—just 65 percent. And as Paul told Timothy,
pastors need to, among their other responsibilities, “do the work of an
evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5).
How about those of us in the pews? Are we “prepared to make a defense
to anyone who asks [us] for a reason for the hope that is in [us] …
with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15)?
LifeWay Research, unfortunately, found a similar gap between beliefs
and practice. Among believers between the ages of 18 and 29, 85 percent
acknowledge their responsibility to share the gospel with
non-Christians, with 69 percent feeling comfortable sharing their faith.
But only 25 percent of this group looks for ways to share the gospel,
with just 27 percent of them intentionally building friendships with
non-believers to do so.
(However, Barna reports some rare good news in the evangelism
practices of Millennials, who are the only generation among whom
evangelism is significantly on the rise. Nearly two-thirds (65%) have
presented the gospel to another within the past year, in contrast to the
national average of about half (52%) of born again Christians.)
So why don’t more of us back up our praying for the lost with
evangelism? “Part of the answer is fear,” Ed Stetzer of the BGCE writes
in Influence Magazine. “Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has used fear as
a motivator for evil action or evil inaction.”
Maybe we fear that we won’t know what to say to our unsaved neighbors
and will end up looking stupid. Well, let’s be frank: The Christian
belief in a holy, loving God who sent His only Son to die for our sins is stupid in the eyes of the world—foolishness to the Greeks, as the Bible says.
But you don’t have to be a theological rocket scientist to tell others what the Lord has done for you—you’re
just, as the old saying goes, one beggar telling another beggar where
to find spiritual bread. As Billy Graham said, “The message I preach
hasn’t changed. Circumstances have changed. Problems have changed, but
deep inside man has not changed, and the gospel hasn’t changed.”
There are plenty of easy-to-read resources to help us tell others the
gospel in our largely post-Christin culture. One is “The Story of
Reality,” by Gregory Koukl. Another is “The Sacrament of Evangelism,” by
Jerry Root and yours truly.
But let me be honest. Though I helped write a book on sharing the
good news, it has never come easily for me. Like many, at times I’ve
shrunk back from saying what I should out of fear of what others might
think, instead of concern for what He thinks. May God forgive me and
grant me increasing boldness and opportunities to share His love with
the lost.
Let me be more like Kathie Lee Gifford, who boldly said to Megyn
Kelly on the “Today Show” the morning Billy Graham died, “If you had the
cure for cancer, would you keep it quiet, … hold it, and keep it a
secret? I always say, I have a cure for the malignancy of the soul, and
He has a name, and it’s Jesus.”
In a helpful article in Christianity Today, Stetzer offers some
suggestions to help us get to know our neighbors and share the hope we
have: host a community event; meet people where they work, eat, study,
and play; and weave the gospel into as many conversations as we can.
It’s not easy, but the best things in life rarely are. And I expect that
we’ll have ample opportunities to make new friends as the pandemic
recedes from our collective consciousness.
So, let’s all practice what we pray, pastors and laity. Because when it comes to evangelism, the problem isn’t prayer. It’s prayer alone. As Stetzer says, “Don’t stop praying. Just make sure you also start going.”
First published at BreakPoint.